Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Iraq Mommies

I'm really talking about American mothers of soldiers serving in Iraq.

I'm just about fed up with the nightly news coverage of the war in Iraq. It's been worse here since 16 members of the National Guard's 48th from Georgia have died. These are particularly troubling to me when I hear of a new one because my first cousin is in this group.

But that's not really it, either. It's the delivery. For example...

Last night they were still talking about the crazy lady that hung out at Bush's ranch. She's got a whole horde of mommies with her now. Cool, freedom of speech, that's what it's for, even if I don't agree with her tactics. But the news dude says she's now got a following of the "thousands of mothers who have lost their children in the Iraqi war."

Wait, how many casualties have we had? Thousands? Really? Last I heard we haven't even broken 2k. Not that that's necessarily better, but where do these "thousands " of mothers come from who lost their soldier in Iraq?

Back to my cousin, I'm particularly troubled by my aunt's reaction to all of this. She keeps talking about him as if he isn't ever coming back. I seriously hope that's not true. But I blame the news outlets for their pessimistic view of every single aspect of this war. Obviously, from watching them, absolutely nothing good has happened as a result of our involvement in this war.

1 comment:

kathi said...

Thank you for putting into words what thousands (accurately used) are thinking.