Tuesday, November 13, 2007

i'm praying, too!!

Looks like our governor down here in Georgia has developed a solution to our water woes. No, it's not anything like sending in the Georgia National Guard to close the dam at Lake Lanier or shutting off water at single residences that consume 440,000 gallons per month. It's something much more innovative and likely to be effective. Here, read an except!
More than 250 faith-filled Georgians joined Gov. Sonny Perdue outside the Capitol this morning to pray for the rain needed to end the area's historic drought.

Perdue asked them to "reverently and respectfully pray up a storm."

Full article here.
Seems to be the safe route if you ask me.
Rain = God's will.
No rain = God's will.
He can't be wrong!

Well, I'm praying, too! Praying for a new governor.