Thursday, September 29, 2005

Damned If You Do

The scuttlebutt this week has focused on the fact that our state's Governor decided to cancel school on Monday and Tuesday of this week.

So far, all of the outcries have only been from parents. The students didn't seem to mind at all. Neither did the rest of the faculty. And to be quite honest, I would have missed anyhow thanks to hitting the apex of a bad head cold that I think I picked up in the filthy airport in Memphis. I don't know if that's really where I got it, but it was the filthiest place I was all last week. Keep in mind that we were in some real dive bars in Tucson, AZ as well. And yes, they were way cleaner than that crummy excuse for an airport. As in I'd have rather eaten from the urinal at a bar called The Surly Wench than in Memphis.

Anyhow, back to the school issue. Our state's overall school system is in the gutter. It didn't get that way by missing two extra days of school in an attempt to preempt a possible fuel shortage. What's funniest is that I was in Tucson when it was announced and there didn't seem to be one iota of concern among the citizens there. Why is everyone so stupid in Atlanta? The governor tries to do a good deed and ends up causing another run on the pumps? How can people be so freakin' stupid? It must be those two days of school they missed.

So the latest hurricane ended up being a yawner. (it helps when you're above sea level) Sure, some people on the coast had damage and loss, but it's not like they didn't know that hurricanes were a possibility. (unless of course they only taught that in school on those two days, darn!) But the truth still remains that few (if any) school systems in the state have budgeted for $3/gal gas in their transportation estimates. It may only be delaying the inevitable that they'll go over budget, but it helps a little. Hell, I saved a lot myself. Well, about half a gallon for two days and the fact that I was stranded at home because of a dead car battery. Actually, I lost money buying a battery, but I had the time to get it fixed!

About the whiners? Seems like the strongest argument in their favor is what to do with the kids if they aren't in school? It goes back to the mentality (and sad truth) that public school is primarily a day care. Somewhere down the list below social assimilation, menial task job training and sports we eventually get to the school's purpose with respect to academics. So quit yer bitchin' about lost instructional time and get to the real fact that you were inconvenienced.

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