Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Down Here At the Bottom

Us here down in the South don't want yore movies comin' down here and makin' us all forgit about the Lord.

The movie apparently only references the theory of evolution but the target audience is obviously only those with enough sense to understand that you can separate your religion from the theory. Majority rules, we lose.

The idea that a model for describing observed changes in organisms over time can threaten the core of a religion so strongly leads me to believe that the religion is based on a flimsy foundation to begin with.

It's not hard to understand why someone would get so upset about challenging their religious beliefs. Not even challenging them, because I think that the theory of evolution could fit very well into the creationist theory. Hence the intelligent design theory. But the problem still lies in the fact that one theory is based on science and intelligent design is based on faith.

But I guess that's why it's easier to accept the creationist viewpoint. One theory requires a willingness to believe, the other requires rational thought and analysis. Which is easier?

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