Thursday, July 29, 2004


compensation: (1) a 30-something buying an expensive sports-car; (2) a Democratic National Convention speech

Yeah, I know. Boring. Lame-o. The DNC. Why did I watch it? Really? I am lazy. Well, not really. I was washing the dishes and the remote was around the other side of the kitchen "island." You'd have to know my house to understand, I guess. Can you really call it lazy when I was cleaning, though? Do those two acts cancel each other out? Washing dishes and not going around to change the channel? Eh, it was just background noise and anger is really good when channeled into a dishrag.

My main observation is that Mrs. E. and her precious husband seemed to go on and on about only the things that the Dem party is weak on. Of course she had to spend most of her time touting their religion, and what a good church-going man her husband is, and how they go to church, and how they fear God, and... well, you get the point.

And him with his speeches about how tough he and his running mate, who by the way was in Vietnam, are. We're manly men! Look at our penises! Men! We're going to bring in other nations when we take over shit and by-golly, they're going to like us. They're really going to like us! Look at me, I'm just so gee-golly darned cute!

Rich people? You've been bad! We're going to take your money and give it to other people who deserve it more than you do. Come on, it's not like you worked to earn it! I'm sure you'll smile when John and John are on your doorstep to tag team 'dat azz. I'm so adorable!

And of course he had to talk about those people that need a "little help." You know the ones. The old people who forgot to save up a little so they could afford health insurance in their later years. Sorry, we didn't realize that stuff was going to cost money in the future. My bad! All of those starving kids all over the nation? We got you covered! Mommy and, if you're lucky, Daddy won't have to be responsible for taking care of you any more! We'll gladly do it! The mom having to work because her husband got called up from the Reserves. She wouldn't have to exchange goods and/or services for monetary compensation if he hadn't been called overseas for something he volunteered for. She could be sitting on her fat, lazy watching her stories instead of having to work. Isn't that what every wife/mother does? Noe of those other women have to work! Don't you worry, though! Voting for me and my pal John will ensure that "hope (aka your free lunch) is on the way!" Ain't I cute? And look, I can pronounce "ain't" right!

I'm sure the Republican convention will be just as amusing/infuriating. These things are all about looking good at what you really stink at. The RNC will probably have a lot of photo ops for Blacks and Hispanics to send the whole "see? Your people are Republicans, too!" message.

In the meantime, I go back to work next week (yay!, not). I guess I'll just have to pay the bills the old-fashioned way until next year. You know, by working.

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