Friday, August 13, 2004


I feel like I'm a moderately intelligent guy. A little research usually clears things up a little and I'm able to come to pretty decent conclusions in most cases. But when I started searching for answers to some simple questions today, I really ended up with more questions than answers. Allow me to explain.

Let me start by referring to an AJC article that describes a request to save money by increasing science class sizes from 28 to 30 was approved by the GA Board Of Ed just yesterday. Supposedly, this saves our county alone $4 million, but I'd like to see figures on that one. First, they change the science standards and focus on a more hands-on approach, which I am in favor of. Then, a move that seems to hinder more than help teachers create more hands-on experiences is made. I guess that they heard the old saying and decided to 'want' and 'shit' in the SAME hand.

Apparently, the measure passed with a 7-6 vote. So, naturally, I wanted to know which district reps voted each way. This is where I got uber-confused. Upon further inspection, and I'm no trained professional on the subject of drawing district lines, but I think it fairly obvious that there may be just a wee bit of gerrymandering going on here. I mean, look at Districts 8, 11, 13, 12 and 1. They're the most obvious and account for almost half of the districts. Hell, our county is represented by at least three board members, and in no seemingly logical manner.

If my interpretation is correct, I think my rep voted against, but I can't really tell. I can't tell if I'm in District 11 or not and he's the only one in the area that voted 'yes.'

I thought it was hard to find enough room for 28 kids in here, but now I have to find room for 2 more in one class. Keep in mind that I've got mostly 11th graders and that they tend to be pretty big people by that age. And I just can't wait to do a lab with fire!

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